API documentation

Listing unsubscribed people

Retrieve all unsubscribed people for your account.

Results are returned in the order in which they were unsubscribed (oldest first). See the parameters section below for more information regarding pagination.


GET /v1/unsubscribes.json

Example request

curl https://api.delighted.com/v1/unsubscribes.json \
delighted.unsubscribe.all(); // returns a promise

Example response

    "person_id": "11837",
    "email": "leslie.wong@example.com",
    "name": "Leslie Wong",
    "unsubscribed_at": 1437432834
    "person_id": "93746",
    "email": "jrryonk@example.com",
    "name": "Jess Rose",
    "unsubscribed_at": 1437434050


Name Type Description
per_page Integer Number of results to return per page. The default is 20. The maximum is 100.
page Integer The page number to return. The default is 1.
since Integer An optional Unix timestamp to restrict unsubscribes to people unsubscribed on or after this time. Formatting example (for 1 hour ago): 1729597149.
until Integer An optional Unix timestamp to restrict unsubscribes to people unsubscribed on or before this time. Formatting example (for the current time): 1729600749.