API documentation

Getting Autopilot configuration

Retrieve the current Autopilot configuration for for the designated distribution platform.


For email:
GET /v1/autopilot/email.json
For SMS:
GET /v1/autopilot/sms.json

Example request

curl https://api.delighted.com/v1/autopilot/email.json \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"
config = Delighted::AutopilotConfiguration.retrieve("email")
config = delighted.autopilotConfiguration.retrieve('email');
$config = \Delighted\AutopilotConfiguration::retrieve('email');
config = delighted.AutopilotConfiguration.retrieve('email')

Example response

  "platform_id": "email",
  "active": true,
  "frequency": 7776000,
  "created_at": 1721651949,
  "updated_at": 1728995949


Name Type Description
platform_id String The name of the distribution platform this Autopilot configuration is set for.
active Boolean Whether Autopilot is active for this distribution platform or not.
frequency Integer Number of seconds between recurring surveys for people in Autopilot for this distribution platform
created_at Timestamp A Unix timestamp describing when the Autopilot configuration for this distribution platform was first set up.
updated_at Timestamp A Unix timestamp describing when the Autopilot configuration for this distribution platform was last changed.